Athlete Development Checklist


Desire / Motivation -> Autonomy, mastery & purpose.

  • SUCCESS = (Belief + Imagination + Practice) * Potential * Environment

  1. Immune function

  2. Injury free (always focus first on sites / causes of previous injury to decrease future injury risk)

  3. Acceptable -> Ideal Body Composition

  4. Enough WORK CAPACITY to tolerate training and get work done.


1. Neurologically develop the athlete.

A. Increase rate of force production with various loads

1) Throwing, Jumping, Sprinting

2) Weighted Jumping, Resisted sprinting

3) Weightlifting

B. Increase total force production capacity

1) Deadlift / Partial deadlift

2) Squat (variations must include full range squats to avoid breaking athletes)

3) Weighted Chins / Dips / Barbell Presses

2. Improve movement amplitude.

Athletes should be able to

1) Rest in a squat position (baby squat)

2) Standing pike with fists to the floor

3) Split squat with hips close to the floor

4) Back bridge with the feet on a bench

5) Hang from the bar

6) Support weight - plank, wall handstand, top position of ring dips with external rotation

3. Apply Neurological Capacities To Game Situations

1) Create base then game specific body control / agility situations

2) Use loaded carries / resisted gait for running athletes, more load for combat /  rugby players

3) Odd lifts / complexity in training will create neurologically more adaptable athletes.

4. Build Structural Resilience

1) Balance Push-Pull Muscles

2) Give the shoulder complexity

- Straight arm supports / hanging 360 degrees

- Isolated and integrated rotator cuff work

- Scapular stabilisation - rhomboid / seratus anterior

- Posterior deltoid work

3) Build lower back / hamstring / calves

4) Exceed specific sport demands in terms of loading / volume / intensity in training

5) Do some single leg work either in strongman or gym movements

5. Your Athletes Reflect Your Energy And Each Others

1) Know key measures for performance eg. Front Squat, Bench Press, Power Clean, SLJ/Height or CMJ.

2)Measure and reinforce improvement every session

3) Build a higher purpose / common enemy to create energy around

4) Use your voice effectively, be loud and quiet, always be coaching (ABC)

5) Praise effort / intensity more than outcomes

6. Programming

1) Don't program too much stuff

2) Have a key focus within sessions 1-2 movements, set targets and progress load or reps on these movements.

3) Use flat loading potentially with a max / rep or load set in accumulation phases

4) Build to a top set in intensification / in season

5) Carefully design the gym and sequence of movements to create the environment you want

6) Use timed periods for when sets start and or time to reach best performance