How To Reach Your "Genetic Potential" As An Athlete

You've been told your genetic potential is limited. You've been told that there is only so much you can change, then no more. You've been graded, ranked and had your future predicted.

The truth is no scientist can tell you how much success you can achieve in life. They can't tell you how strong you'll become. They can't tell you how much weight you'll be able to snatch, how long you'll be able to do a handstand or how much muscle mass you can have.

Those we see as having great genetics almost always have a different personality traits to those who don't. It makes the average guys mind boggle when they see the obsessive / hot blooded habits of the high achieving few.

The truth is many of these people who are driven beyond reason come from tough backgrounds. Somewhere along the line they didn't feel like they were enough and they've made it a life's mission to be more. Now at some stage their philosophy may change and these are the people who end up giving more. These people who end up wanting to show others that like for them, barriers are mostly mental and external.

"We become what we think about" Earl Nightingale


Decide you want more TODAY. Realise that you're worth it. That you're here to explore your unlimited potential in a time of more opportunity than the human race has ever known.

"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions" Oliver Wendell Holmes

Don't sit back wondering why things aren't the way you'd like them to be. Every change that you make changes the world. The world we experience has to be recreated everyday. Lets set a clock on our own actions and the world they create.

"Move towards the best version of yourself EVERYDAY."