Books That Made A Difference in 2015 - Rohan Smith

2015 was an awesome year for reading for me. I got through 40-50 books. Here are a few key points from some of those.



-The mindset you go to bed with and the mindset you wake up with are key to performance

-Earn your contract one day at a time



-Work above the line. Intentional, on purpose & skilful

-Remove from the environment – Blame, Complain, Defend

-Trust – Character (Ethical), Competence (Technical), Connection (Personal)




-The Head Coach sets the standard and creates the environment. Check the temperature daily.

-7 C’s – Culture, Contagious, Consistent, Communicate, Connect, Commitment, Care, Coaching, Character


-How do you want to be remembered?

-Well done is better than well said.

-Create a legacy that lasts beyond your years.


-Win the day

-Do it your way

-Simple doesn’t mean easy

-Science before tradition

-Focus on the process


-Anyone involved in kids sport could do with reading this.

-Teach kids how to play the game the right way

-Make a positive impact on the kids as young men

-Do everything with class

-Celebrate character plays more than skill plays. Character over winning.

-Reputation is the shadow – character is the tree.

-Selflessness – not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

-The Right thing is seldom the easy thing.



-The comprehensive and successful rebuild of a franchise that missed the playoffs for 29 years. 7-10 year plan for success.

-Ownership – GM – Coach had total trust and connection.

-Have a plan – Believe in it – Be Persistent



-Think outside the box.

-Redefine how you do things – don’t follow the crowd or do it how it has always been done

-Organisations can always be improved – culture & process

-Developing stats that matter – numbers that reflect impact on result!



-399 W – 25 L – 3 Ties including a 151 game winning streak.

-A successful program must be about more than outcomes. Fight for belief in what you stand for, the way you believe life should be lived and people should be treated.

-Measure your success by how well we have embraced the essence of accountability and commitment and the relationships that develops.

-Coaches need to develop their skills so they can coach every position on the field

-Focus on the details – fundamentals are everything. Execute perfectly

-Listen to your players

-A coach has to be passionate about it to make his players passionate about it.

-Strength major component to preseason prep




-Direct the Rider

-Motivate the elephant

-Shape the Path



-Basic Humility – By birth or social position

-Optional Humility – when we feel humble in the prescence of people who have achieved more than we have. Admire or envy.

-Here and Now Humility – how I feel when I am dependant on you



-Self belief – breathing – relaxtion


-The harder you work the luckier you get

-Control what you can control




-Focus on what you can have an impact on

-Stay on task

-Winning is outside your boat, Preparing to win is inside your boat

-Follow your inner compass

-A smooth sea never produced a skilled sailor

-Find a boat that’s going in your direction and get on board!

-Worrying is rehearsal for failure

-You discover the strength of your boat by how it responds in the storm

-The greatest risk is not taking one




-Deliberate practice

-Design practice to work on specific needs of individuals

-Know more, innovate more

-Culture change starts at the top



-Inspire others to do what inspires them

-The true direction towards sustained success is through inspiration

-Culture is developed through uniting around a common cause. When we share these values and beliefs we have trust.

-Culture starts with a clearly defined Why.

-Our why is a filter for decision making.

-Energy excites, but charisma inspires.

-We buy the WHY not the WHAT



-No companies make good slow decisions, only companies that make good fast decisions.

-High quality process enhances the probability of achieving positive outcomes

-Leaders must cultivate constructive conflict in order to enhance the level of critical and divergent thinking.

-Managing the tension between conflict and consensus is one of the key components of leadership

-Leaders need to ‘Decide how to decide’. This can help the decision making effectiveness.

-Be visual.

-One conversation at a time.



 -Eliminate the root cause of health

-How gut health impacts on health

-Carrying a gene for a disease doesn’t guarantee you will get the disease. Genes can be turned on and off by the conditions the cell is living in!

-We are what we absorb

-The longer the shelf life of what you are eating, the shorter yours will be

-Attend to the roots, don’t paint the leaves!



-Prevent or reverse disease through removal of grains containing gluten.

-Kids behavioural issues can be eradicated by the removal of gluten.

-Consume foods with higher nutrient density

– Reduce grains, reduce inflammation

-4 week plan to better health


Rohan Smith is Defence Coach with the Goldcoast Titans and has 15 years of experience working with elite Rugby League players in the NRL and European SuperLeague. Rohan is a mentor within the 12-month RealMOVEMENT Coach Development Program. Brother to RealMOVEMENT Founder Keegan Smith, Rohan has been a key part of the development of all things RealMOVEMENT.